Dedication Page

First, this website is dedicated to Mother Mary Angelica, PCPA. Beyond all doubt a saint, a saint of The Real Vatican II, of The Mass, of The Eucharist, of all God’s Truth. Always taking The Lord’s “side” and His “defense,” God Himself did the same for her in the midst of the great dispute with a very worldly, unholy, evil man — who was one of the most powerful cardinals in the Church — healing her during their battle over The Mass on the world stage, proving Who Was Truly In The Right, who was Really Speaking For His Beloved Son. No bishops listened, unfortunately, and thus even to our day today their First Job is left undone day after day. One prays and hopes that the authentic spirit of renewal, the Real Vatican II, will soon be poured out upon the Church, and will not fall upon deaf episcopal ears and blind episcopal eyes and dumb episcopal mouths (and brains) ever again.

Second, this website is dedicated to popes St. John Paul II and Pope (Saint-to-be-proclaimed) Benedict XVI. In this world — and, in this Church — of a million voices and opinions, an uneducated person can understandably be tempted to wonder, and ever despair of, finding The Truth. However, one need look no further than the saints of God, and, in this case, to these to obviously saintly, well-beyond-educated, deeply purified, ardent lovers of God, both of whom lived and worked in the pre-conciliar Church, both of whom were present at and deeply involved in the Second Vatican Council, oth of whom experienced both the intentional and unintentional upheaval in the years and decades following the Council, and lastly (and supremely importantly) both of whom were elevated by Our Lord to the Chair of Peter, thus granted the grace to be the


interpreter(s) of the Council (no matter how many worldly bishops, cardinals, priests, liberal nuns, etc.) refuse to accept their authentic words and teachings (which, of course, are completely in line with 2000 years of Sacred Tradition).

Lastly, although this should not need to be said, sadly, with so little education and understanding on this most vital of subjects — as Vatican II said It is — it does need to be said.

This is NOT a “traddy blog.” Virtually all of the bishops of the Church at the Council voted in favor of the organic growth of The Mass and other parts of the Liturgy of the Church. The Holy Spirit was saying “Go Forward!” However, due to the work of evil, deceptive men (more than merely Bugnini), the Council voted on and approved by the bishops of the world was intentionally subverted and drastically re-directed. Thus we are left today with an attacked, relatively small group of those who feel nothing more can be done than hold to the past, and the larger, uneducated, uncatechized, shallow, wordly majority who are happy with the way things are in spite of the obvious reality of so little real fruit being borne; the man-made, man-centered liturgy of today is “fine.”

One hopes and prays that The Holy Spirit will soon repair this situation, will send us true spiritual fathers, authentic shepherd after the Heart of Our Lord again, who will, as Malachi prophesied, “…turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers,” (Malachi 4:6). We pray for holy, truly learned men, who will lead the faithful toward The Lord in Spirit and Truth, and who will no longer be the friends of the world, hostile to the Things of God.

We hope and pray for the Real Vatican II to finally be implemented. We hope and pray the His Holy Mass, and the entire Liturgy of the Church will never more be allowed to be focused on man, but in all ways will be returned to be totally focused on God, and that through this return, the authentic Call to Holiness of Vatican II for each and every human person will finally be able to be heard truthfully in The Lord, and that that wonderful fruit will finally be able to be borne in abundance.