Why Are So Many Bishops and Priests Today Not Credible? How Did We Get Here?
The sad fact for His faithful today is that the majority of His Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, priests and deacons are not credible, and (obviously) are eunuchs for the sake of the world, and not for the Kingdom of God (cf. Mt 19:12). Educated, not in the ways of holiness and His saints, but rather in the ways of the world. The great Archbishop Fulton Sheen prophesied that in the coming age “theology will become politics,” and what a sad, sad reality it is in our day. It was just a few years ago that the term “political correctness” dominated our culture, and the thinking (so-called) behind this false concept reached everywhere, even into the holy worship of God’s Church, into every parish, into every chancery, into every seminary. Those chosen to follow in the footsteps of The Lion of Judah, instead chose to follow in the footsteps of…the Clintons, the Obamas, of the great political anti-humans and deceivers of human history, turning embracing and forcing and “teaching as doctrines the precepts of men,” (Mt 15:9).
An example, heard from the lips of a saint with my own ears. Mother Angelica returned from a trip to Rome, having seen Pope John Paul II again. Stopping in England, she was to give a talk somewhere I do not remember. Cardinal Basil Hume had said that he would not be present, and also let it be known that he was not a fan of Mother’s. However, he did indeed hear her speak, and, she told us later, when they met briefly later, he said to her directly, “Mother, please pray for me that I save my soul.” This man, this successor of the holy Apostles of Jesus Christ, was convicted to his depths, of his worldliness and infidelity by the words of a saint in his ears. I heard these words, this story, from Mother’s own lips, in the MFVA refectory. And things are far worse today in the hierarchy and the presbyterate.
How did we get here? It is a huge, huge question, of course, one that spans decades and centuries. We know of Leo XIII’s vision of the the challenge of the Enemy to God to destroy His Church. We know of the many maternal visits of The All-Holy Virgin and her words of repentance, of coming division, of victory. Bishop Sheen explained it very succinctly thus, “Whenever you have an outpouring of The Holy Spirit (the TRUE Second Vatican Council), you also have an outpouring of effort by the unholy spirit as well…”.
So, following will be at least a few “pieces of the puzzle,” the too-often un-ackowledged but real works of the enemy and servants of evil. Pope Paul VI, we all know, himself made the sad declaration, “The smoke of Satan has entered the Church.” We have all heard these words, but very few of us know anything more beyond those words. Below, find some credible research and facts to explain them.
The Reality of Masonic, devilish anti-Church Interference
The following articles from One Peter Five detail concisely credible research as to not only Bugnini, but his gifted partner, Cardinal Baggio. Try mentioning the following to your average parish priest or even more, a bishop, and you’ll be met with dumb silence, ignorance, or insults. However, Our Dear Lord said, “By their fruits ye shall know them,” and, well, the fruit of the preceding 60 years after the Council has been obvious. Read, learn, and pray.
Vatican Investigatino into Freemasonry Inside the Vatican, Part 1
Vatican Investigatino into Freemasonry Inside the Vatican, Part 2
Additionally, additional research leads to the conclusion that, to protect their positions and their work, carried out the murder of the humble “outsider Pope” John Paul I, to prevent any disciplinary action or “cleaning out” of the Vatican.
This naturally leads us, of course, to Pope John Paul II. The author of the above article quotes various sources lamenting the actions (or inactions) and choices of John Paul II. While there are of course many theories and opinions regarding this topic and this holy man, it seems obvious to me that, being a man of obvious inner depths union with Christ and Mary, being “The Fatima Pope,” being a man and priest ever more transformed in and into Christ, it is obvious that he chose to allow the present day Judases to stay, to have their freedom, to do their work, all the while praying and suffering for them in the hope of obtaining the graces of their conversions and salvation. Many will (and have) criticized him for these choices…but, transformation into Christ is the call and privledge of His great saints, and we must remember that Our Lord Himself, God Himself, chose to allow Judas to remain until the very end. Those called to the highest priestly union must live with traitors and apostles with no faith even at their very table.
Here is a link to the book, Murder in the 33rd Degree, the source for the above articles:
The Reality of Episcopal Conferences Not Being of The Holy Spirit
And then, regarding the lukewarmness forced upon the Church, upon individual bishops, upon seminaries, upon priests, by Bishops’ Conferences, we have the words and thoughts of two great saints, and one in the making. One may argue that Bishops’ Conferences are some kind of legitimate fruit of Vatican II. I know not the history of their genesis, but I do know the trustworthy words of three saintly, very, very saintly prelates, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI, and Cardinal Robert Sarah. The first two were at the Council itself and participated deeply in it. And the sancity and intellectual depth (in The Lord) of this trio cannot be doubted.
As quoted by Cardinal Robert Sarah in his book, “He Gave Us So Much,” from a little known text by then-Cardinal Ratzinger,: “
“…The decisive new emphasis on the role of the bishops is in reality restrained or actually risks being smothered by the insertion of bishops into episcopal conferences that are ever more organized, often with burdensome bureaucratic structures…[E]piscopal conferences have no theological basis, they do not belong to the structure of the Church, as willed by Christ…The fact is that we have become witnesses to a dissolution of the bishop’s personal responsibility into the anonymity of collective decisions, a dissolution for which there is no historical precedent…” [pp. 78-80].
After quoting Cardinal Ratzinger at length above, Cardinal Sarah continues, “Every bishop must rediscover the meaning of his personal responsibility in God’s sight. Every bishop must rediscover the responsibility to proclaim The Faith in person, in a magisterial and cultic act…”.
Finally, the saintly archbishop, prophet, and mystic (?), Fulton Sheen, said in a conference entitled “The True Power of God in the Life of a Priest” while speaking more broadly about The Holy Spirit, he spends the last few minutes decrying (at approximately 24 minutes in) “We are beginning to live in a closely knitted corporation. We bishops live in it. We make decisions that are corporate. Though they do not necessarily bind the bishop, simply because we are one of the corporation and conference, we feel that we should follow the decisions. And our conferences have bureaucratic offices which very often suggest to us what we should discuss… What has happened to the Successors of the Apostles?… we have too many meetings today…we are meeting to death… the result that it is very difficult for leadership to appear…because we are in this “corporation”… And he adds towards the end, “Because there is not this opportunity for leadership, we are producing a number of oddballs…”.
Episcopal conferences have no theological basis, they do not belong to the structure of the Church, as willed by Christ — Cardinal Ratzinger, peritus of Vatican II, future Pope Benedict XVI