The Mass is Source and Summit – Including of Studies

Vatican II proclaimed the Church’s desire for the renewal of Her sacred liturgy. However, this articulated desire did not call for any huge, massive changes in The Mass Itself.

Rather, virtually everything else had to change, to be more correctly oriented to The Mass:

– the laity (and clergy, and seminarians, and religious – and obviously should have mandated bishops, all bishops) need more, proper, deeper education and catechesis

– choirs needed more and better formation to perform their role

– all (not some, not most, but all) major courses in seminary studies needed to be situated in relation to The Mass and other parts of the Church’s Liturgy

And this makes sense! Although too few are aware of this most basic truth, that of Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, the Law of Praying is the Law of Believing, more specifically, liturgy and Ritual tells us What Our Faith Is, What We Believe! The average person in the pew – and sadly, too many bishops and priests – are unaware of this most fundamental Chistian and even human reality.

Thus, it is impossible to separate theology from our Liturgy, from the Christian Ritual. “Theologians” who attempt to do so do great harm, and prove their own ignorance, and in some cases even sinfulness.

An example: you read about a prominent, or not so prominent, theologian, priest or (yes) a bishop, who indicates some strength of support for the same-sex lobby or agenda or position. First, do YOU know that this is impossible? DO you? But secondly, do you realize the impossible can of worms that this fool is wanting people to walk in to?

If the worldly, demonic assault on gender/sex is given in to, then, our Faith is finally destroyed: Then The Cross that is the marriage bed of The Man Christ Jesus with and for His Bride the Church and all of those Truths communicated from the Apostles and from Sacred Scripture down through the centuries are at best “only possibilities,” and at worst they would be complete falsehoods. The overlords of the world whom our bishops either choose or do not know enough to fight will continue shoving their re-creation of the human race down our throats, attempting to re-create mankind in to whatever image that THEY choose.

Lex Orandi, Lex Cedendi. The Man Christ Jesus (1 Tim 2:5) is the same, yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). Thus, so is the Reality of The Liturgy of His Church. It cannot be treated the way it has been by our “spiritual” “fathers”, who are neither spiritual nor fathers, as they have proven.

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