The Mass that Vatican II Really Called For

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Below is a link to an article by Fr. Stravinskas, succinctly describing verbatim from the Council document itself (Sacrosanctum Concilium) what the bishops of the Church actually called for and approved regarding the “reform” of the liturgy of the Church. As can be seen in the document itself, what the bishops actually wanted and authorized was both the restororation of the liturgy and The Mass to the center of the Church’s life (and yes, allowing minimal, organic changes), and then far, far more, re-orienting everyone and everything towards that end through far more deep education and catechesis.

As Fr. Stravinskas relates, and as we all know, what the bishops (and Pope Paul VI) wanted and expected was far, far, far from what the Church received. As is now credibly proven by various researchers and more and more books, the machiavellian machinations of Bugnini and others took the liturgy of the Church and especially The Mass in totally undesired and unauthorized directions, with predictable effects.

Sacrosanctum Concilium at 60