Mother Angelica

The Miraculous Healing of Mother Angelica: What was God Saying?

On January 28, 1998, in the midst of a great dispute on the world stage with a very high ranking and powerful prelate of the Catholic Church over The Eucharist and The Holy Mass, Mother Angelica, PCPA, (obvious) saint and prophet of God, was miraculously healed of a painful and decades-long spinal injury.

How is a person to interpret this real event? What was God saying?

It is beyond obvious that this miracle was from The very Throne of God Himself. God Our Heavenly Father explicitly willed, ordained, ordered, that this be done. God speaks in Deeds and Words. This was a particularly loud Deed (for those who were listening). Why? What was He saying?

There will be any number of responses to this question. But, to “cut to the chase,” and tell it like it is, the reality is, indeed, can only be, that she was in the right.  She faithfully defended the Church’s True Teaching about The Holy Mass and was attacked by a weak and non-credible prelate for doing so.

Later, Pope John Paul II intervened diplomatically on her behalf, by sending her the gift of a monstrance, which she opened on her Live Show (seen Feb 15, 2000), indicating gently but nonetheless obviously his assessment of the truth of the situation.

God The Father’s intervention un-diplomatically was not diplomatic and not gentle at all. He willed that she be healed through the intercession of Our Lady on the world stage in front of all His bishops, all His priests, before the whole People of God, proving beyond all doubt who was truly and truthfully speaking for His Son on this most central, most vital, most important of subjects: The Center, The Source, The Summit, The ALL of the reality of the Christian Life.

The further point is, after acknowledging the obvious truth that she was in the right, we must accept that, just as obviously, she is and will forevermore be one of His Church’s Eucharistic Saints, one of His greatest, raised up by Him at a time of the greatest distress, the greatest errors, the greatest unbelief, the greatest attacks upon the Church, upon The Mass, upon God, that the world has yet seen. As was said of her during the daily televised Mass one time, “When bishops act like nuns, nuns have to act like bishops,” and our Heavenly Father confirmed with zero doubt who was truly speaking for His Son…since His bishops do not.

Much can – and should – be taken away from the above, be learned, acknowledged, accepted, and acted upon.

The very first thing is, as a chosen saint of His, in this particular “area,” is that it is her voice, her thought and her teaching that is far, far, far more true and authentic and credible to us, to His People – and hopefully to a young seminarian, or priest (or God willing, a bishop who might be open to a grace of conversion to Reality and Truth instead of politics and worldliness) – than those of all of the worldly phonies who “lead” and “shepherd” us today, who “teach as doctrines the precepts of men,” (Mt 15:9), who have “turned The Word of God into mere politics,” as the saintly Archbishop Sheen prophesied.

Even more, we can be certain that her voice, her thought and her teaching is far, far, far more pleasing in the sight of God Himself, and of all His holy ones, than that of these same non-credible wolves in sheeps’ clothing.

Furthermore, she (and others like her) prove that there is nothing wrong with Vatican II that prevents sanctity. One must merely read Vatican II correctly: with Faith, Trust, and with the Hermeneutic of Continuity that Pope Benedict XVI directed…and with what the great Aquinas would call Reason, Right Reason. It should be obvious, should not even need to be said, that the Infinite, The Eternal, Personal God would never all of a sudden do an “about-face” after thousands of years, as if perhaps somehow “realizing” that He was wrong, or, that Mankind had somehow reached a certain “maturity” justifying the minimization of God, which are just a couple of the absurd implications of all of the “spirit of Vatican II” falsehoods that His Church has to endure today. Yet, these and other absurd false implications are what are shoved down the throats of the Faithful by the non-credible fools who “lead” us today.

I wish to note, here, strongly, that I am not here denying an attack – no, The attack, true and real – made upon The Mass and upon the Church after the Council. As expounded ever more widely and credibly elsewhere, there was an attack most of all from the inside of the Church Herself. But said attack did not come from the Council itself, but rather literally immediately after, as it was used as an excuse to make changes – broad, deep, subtle and not so subtle changes – by nefarious men in positions of great power that were never mentioned or envisioned by the Council.

Thus, I feel constrained to point out gently but truthfully, there is not a need to “go backwards” and simply return to the Vetus Ordo, as if there were no other option. Such a determination is not borne out by God’s saints.

Mother Angelica was a “Vatican II Saint. Like John Paul II. Like Mother Teresa. Like Benedict XVI. Like Archbishop Fulton Sheen…Being a great saint is still “totally available” in the Vatican II Church, to all of us. Even while His Holy Mass is still, even up until today, under attack (mostly from within, sadly).

But one must also point out Mother’s loving, ardent, and understanding support of those who desire to fight the errors that have been permitted into the sacred Worship of the Church. Of these (the FSSP, in this particular case, on her show) she said, “I admire those who swim against the current.” They are not wrong in pointing out the obvious infidelity to the Real Council, and to the tragic ridiculousness our bishops have permitted and led His Mass and thus His Church to be reduced to.

To close, I say that, as our shepherds have permitted, assisted and even participated in the “dumbing-down” of the Faithful, we have lost so, so much. One obvious loss is the deeper use of Reason. True Philosophy is no longer required, no longer studied, even in seminary (where perhaps a smattering may be offered). There might be a broad overview given, but nothing serious or deep, nor the base-bottom, rock-solid realities and truths one gains through such studies. And this loss IS serious. For in real philosophy, real Metaphysics, we all learn, as good old Dr G stressed to us so many, many, many times: “In your thought, if your starting point is off, just a tiny, tiny bit in the beginning, then, when you get 10000 miles down the road, you are way, way off course, and can’t get back.”

This is important because (as we SHOULD all know, especially bishops) “The Mass is Source and Summit of [EVERYTHING] in the Church” (SC 10, LG 11, CCC 1324, EE 1). The Mass is The Source of the Church, which is the same as saying that The Mass Is The Starting Point of The Church. We have to “get it right” 100% – not 50%, not 90%, not 98%” or, as we see so obviously today, the Church will be far, far, off course. Furthermore, as with any faith or religion, your liturgy “tells” you what you believe. Thus, for any faith or religion: Tinker with your liturgy, your worship, your starting point, whether knowingly or not, you tinker with what you say you believe, with your faith. And, for Catholics, who (should) know that Our Faith is The One True Faith from God, the One that He started, initiated, and developed, then tinkering with The Mass, tinkering with The Faith, is an obvious no-go.

Our uneducated, unfaithful, un-Faith-ful, un-fatherly, un-manly and effeminate, untrustworthy, un-credible, and very worldly bishops with their fake, plastic, politician smiles…have an incredible amount to answer for. Especially when the corrections and solutions to our ecclesial woes are so clear.

The Mystery of His Holy Mass, in “the language of the signs” as Pope John Paul II said, needs signs. The true Christian Liturgy, he reminded us, thrives on signs. It is part of the mystery of God that He invites us in to, that these sacred, mysterious signs further reveal His Truth even as they may (on the mere, thin surface) “conceal.”  We, as sensible human beings, need sensible signs that transmit His Reality through their various sacred, mysterious veils. The huge signs of: the ad orientem posture, of a sacred language, of real and authentic sacred music, of real sacred architecture in a real sacred building dedicated to Him Alone…these things are important. They have a significance, a sign value, that cannot be overstated. For, through these sacred veils of mystery, we nonetheless see far, far, far more clearly the concrete realities of The Face of God, of His one and only High Priest, we hear His One Voice spoken not here in my place today but across the whole world and across all the sands of time, through the operation of Their Holy Spirit. The world and all of history orbits around Jesus, Lord of History, and The Holy Mass, offered properly and correctly, proclaims these truths. A banal, “contemporary,” “relevant,” worldly, profane, “creative,” one hides, obscures and confuses them.

These signs, it must be said, do not, by themselves, or in and of themselves, “fix everything” if they are merely present. If that were true, then the Church’s present plight never would have happened. But they do focus The Mass, our true starting point, on Him, they allow Him to speak through real, authentic, Truth, Beauty and Goodness that is Real, that The Holy Spirit has brought about over the course of centuries and millennia. The People of God want no more mere lip-service given to these concepts. We are sick of that unsatisfying food that is far, far from the truths lived and taught by His saints. We want The Real Thing – Him. We want Him exalted.

There is far more that we could add here: the needless, careless, sloppy – and dangerous – distribution of His Most Precious Blood everywhere; of female altar servers (a discussion not for cowards or intellectual weaklings, but for those with open eyes and ears who can see, hear, think and acknowledge the worldly cultural drive towards man-made androgyny, towards an ever-malleable “man made in the image desired by man”) and females in the Sanctuary, period (and yes, this IS the Real Vatican II! See Musicam Sacram 23, c.). See how far we have fallen!

But human nature does not change. A man is still a man, a woman is still a woman, and we know far more today than during the “years of change” how deeply the so-called “feminist” movement was influenced by godless (even satanic) Marxist ideology and not by The Holy Spirit…; the cheapest of sacred vessels and vestments used for the True Worship of God; laymen distributing God Himself (!) during Holy Communion in non-sacred non-liturgical garb…the list goes on and on.

Some can argue or complain that “laundry lists” such as these are shallowly external and somehow meaningless or even wrong. To this we counter, “Do you believe that He Whom you are serving is truly The Lord? He Who made Heaven and earth? He before Whom His created angels tremble with awe and joy and cry out, ‘Holy Holy Holy!!!’ while we too are there with them during His Mass??” If not, then a) please be honest and repent, or b) please be honest and get out while we pray for you.

And so, dear readers, we pray to God through the intercession of this humble chosen servant of His, that His Church will now be receptive and responsive to His Voice and What He Was Saying through this great Saint.

Jesus loves you. He loves His Church…and so His Church should love Jesus, and you should too, and show this love by repenting of trivializing, minimizing, and infantilizing His Greatest Gift, and restoring His Holy Mass to Its Proper Place and to Its Proper Celebration, and then, from this authentic starting point, His people, having been fed with The Bread of Life, must go with His Life – with Him! – within themselves and lead holy lives in the world, returning all to Him the next time, and return again…

The Holy Mass, His Holy Mass, is our True Home. It should be The Most Important Thing in our lives…because It is. As St. Padre Pio said, “The world could exist more easily without the sun than without The Mass.”

This is the true meaning and import of the miraculous healing of (Saint) Mother Angelica, PCPA. This is the true Second Vatican Council.

Follower of Mother Angelica, PCPA, and her total devotion to Our Eucharistic Lord Jesus Christ.

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