On the Priest Arbitrarily Singing Whatever He Wants, Whenever He Wants
Musicam Sacram, the Vatican II Instruction on Sacred Music, stated in paragraph 28 that, “The distinction between solemn, sung and read Mass, sanctioned by the Instruction of 1958 (n. 3), is retained…”.
As with so much of Vatican II, and with ever more research bringing to light the intentional attack on the Church’s Liturgy, the document is not very clear, and, from the words of “the architect” himself Annibale Bugnini, much was intentionally obfuscated and much was left “in seed form” to be taken advantage of later.
Nonetheless, even so, we can see – if we look through faithfully educated and catechized Eyes of Faith, and listen only to trustworthy and credible sources – enough Truth to guide our way.
The Mass and other parts of the Church’s Sacred Liturgy can be considered under many aspects: worship, adoration, prayer, sacrifice, etc. The aspect that concerns us here is ritual, as The Mass is The Ritual of The Church, formed by The Holy Spirit Himself over thousands of years.
Today it seems as though most priests have no idea – no real idea – of What “ritual” is or means.
Merriam Webster Online provides a definition that is at least “good enough” for our purposes here:
- ritual2 of 2
- noun
- 1 : the established form for a ceremony
- specifically : the order of words prescribed for a religious ceremony
- 2
- a: ritual observance
- specifically : a system of rites
- b: a ceremonial act or action
- c: an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner
One can see, easily – even without being Catholic – the concept of “non-arbitrariness” contained in the above definition. And yet, even in parishes considered “good” today, even in Religious houses and churches, this concept, this reality, this Truth of The Mass and other parts of the Church’s Liturgy has been lost. Those charged first with guarding the Mass and other parts of the Church’s Liturgy permit everything and anything in their dioceses, and they sustain and protect the environment that generates anew this continued loss in seminaries…
Thus it is that the parishioner is weekly and even daily forced to endure the day-to-day whims of “Fr. Bob” and “whatever way he feels like ‘doing’ The Mass today.” He can sing the Sign of The Cross, and nothing else. Or, he can say everything, except sing the Alleluia before the Gospel, or any thousands of other variations…having no idea, no concept, no awareness, of how his ignorance and infidelity bring the True Nature of The Mass crashing down to earth, leaving his flock with yet another experience merely of himself and of his own voice and will, instead of The Face of Christ, and The Face of His Father…